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White paper: Digital adoption: The power of in-house legal teams

ACCESS: Digital adoption: The transformative power of in-house legal teams and find out how in-house legal teams are equipping themselves for digital transformation.

Three years ago, the World Economic Forum stated: “successful digital transformation will, for many firms be the difference between success and failure in this coming era“.

Our new Technology and Digital whitepaper titled Digital adoption: The transformative power of in-house legal teams finds that in 2023, this statement carries even more weight and significance.

Digitisation of business, or businesses “going digital”, is not a new concept – but recent and accelerating developments in technologies such as:

  • Automation and robotics
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Metaverse technologies and NFTs
  • Blockchain

… present firms with a host of new opportunities (and risks) in an increasingly tough trading environment.

There’s no doubt about it, successful digital transformation can provide firms with a real edge over their competition – with the risk of significant consequences for those who refuse to keep up with the pace of change.

In today’s fast-changing tech world, it’s important that in-house legal teams have the knowledge and confidence to act assertively and steer clear of any potential pitfalls.

We asked 500 general counsel for their thoughts and experience surrounding digital transformation.

Access our whitepaper to find out:

  • Which technologies in-house lawyers need to know about.
  • Which technologies to prioritise and where to start.
  • What the legal challenges are and what general counsel can do to navigate them.
  • Our top tips for a successful digital transformation.

Upon the release of the whitepaper, Head of technology and digital at Walker Morris, Sally Mewies said:

How do you choose which exciting technologies to invest in and which to ignore? While dealing with complex technology might not be part of their core role, successful digital transformation will rely heavily on general counsel’s adequate understanding on risk and opportunity when choosing and embedding new tech.”

Access our whitepaper Digital adoption: The transformative power of in-house legal teams to find out more about how general counsel are approaching digitisation of business. Contact Sally Mewies or Luke Jackson if you have any queries or need advice or assistance.

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