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Planning Team act on successful appeal for residential scheme in Farnham

Josh Kitson has successfully acted for Miscombe Developments Limited to secure planning permission for a new residential development in Farnham.

Miscombe’s application was refused for three reasons. The first related to an alleged conflict with the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan; the second concerned the proposed housing mix and the third related to the delivery of affordable housing.

Walker Morris worked with Matthew Pardoe, of WYG, and Andrew Whittingham, of Motion, to present Miscombe’s case at appeal. Despite considerable opposition, the appeal was successful and planning permission for this high quality scheme has now been granted.

Speaking about the decision, Josh Kitson commented:

“We’re delighted with the outcome of the appeal for Miscombe Developments. This is the planning team’s second successful appeal for this client and we look forward to seeing this high quality scheme being delivered.”

family homes on a newly built housing estate.